Exactly why Did I Write Our Book to Help Teenage Female Athletes?
A thinker once said: "Half of the things i say is meaningless, but I say it so that the other half may reach you. inches Khalil Gibran also said: "A little knowledge that acts is worth definitely more than much knowledge that is idle. "
I am still motivated by these statements as both have real meaning for me. I have asked personally: What is the reason I was able to acquire specific knowledge in two disciplines? In both cases - low back pain and teen female athlete challenges at puberty - I actually have been able to take complex and inter-related medically based issues and provide a path with easy to understand terminology so people can use the quality information We provide and make knowledgeable decisions.
On the back again cover of my new book- I say that a little catalyst can go a long way. This catalyst is the knowledge of how to help teen female sportsmen deal with the unintended consequence of Title IX legislation June 1972; i. e., female athlete non-contact ACL (knee) accidental injuries.

This is the second time I have had the chance to share knowledge about a subject that may be more misunderstood than low back pain 1993. Sexiest Female Athlete This is an possibility to help young woman athletes train their body so they place the odds in their favor of not being challenged by non-contact ACL (knee) injuries. Having trained more than 600 teen female athletes in each sport and cheering since 1995, I can tell you unequivocally that non-contact ACL injuries does not have to happen.
In both cases, it is not easy to understand the research and understand the conclusions to help adults challenged by low back pain and now, help young female athletes and the adults in their lives understand the advantages of neuromuscular (lower body) and core training.
I prefer spine-safe training concepts to help everyone. Typically the common thread between low back pain and woman athlete participation was when the medical histories showed young females reporting low back pain that experienced nothing to do with their monthly cycle. Youngsters swallowing OTC pills to fight soreness and pain that may have devastating permanent outcomes on their body. And then, in addition. seeing young ladies afflicted by too much crying and pressure and not enough youngsters having FUN as I did when I played golf ball.
However , in the circumstance of teen female sports athletes - it is not enough to publish about the 'silent epidemic' and think that individuals will acquire this information because of evidence occurring in the field. This evidence is very real and can be explained if everyone will open their minds to a "sea change" in thinking. Why would a leading researcher and orthopedic cosmetic surgeon say female ACL injury "it's not only a sports medicine problem, it's becoming a public health challenge. "
Just about all female athletes must learn to VALUE TRAINING TO BE ABLE TO PLAY SPORTS. Once training to play sports is a requirement that adults discuss and learn how to implement - there is the hope that ACL (and other higher body) injuries will be minimized. The adults must lead the way as they are the youngsters volunteer coaches. They must value training the young female's body to put together her for the needs of her sport by helping each female sportsperson develop a strong base.
I see the possibility to educate adults and their daughter-athletes about something they see the effects from; i. e., ACL accidental injuries and the female sportsperson population. Thinking this will only happen to others is not an option as the subject is not talked about and the conclusions and comments from leading medical care professionals and researchers have not permeated youth sports.
Taking a look at a timeline, I understand that the explosion of female athletes is in its adolescence. Why is this so? Title IX is almost 40 years old. But the courtroom and legislative challenges to try to sink Title IX took almost twenty years. Therefore, the real surge in sports participation by females is merely about the 20+ year mark; just experiencing adolescence.
At the latter stages of teenage years we start to formulate who our company is and what we value to spend a lifetime maturing our thinking and re-assessing our initial foundation of knowledge.
I actually can tell you from general observations that one can say that if I had only trained a handful of female athletes with success - maybe what I see happening wouldn't hold up. But, having trained more than six hundred teen female athletes in every sport and cheering since 1995 with amazing success - I have developed a perspective and expertise that enables me to smartly comment about the shortage of training occurring in female athletics. Sports skills training - yes; properly preparing the body to obtain these skills - no.
I really do not always see female athletes competing at the highest levels of athleticism. I do see female athletes who have not cross trained or performed other sports playing the sport they enjoy. Is it anyone's fault this has happened? No, I do not blame anyone. Only 20 - 40 years into the female sports participation journey - how can lay people possibly know that dissimilarities that occur at puberty would detrimentally affect females; especially the evidence of the neuromuscular spurt at puberty that occurs for males, but not females.
Today's challenge is to possess adults embrace safe and age-appropriate training for all female athletes to ensure they become better sportsmen who have FUN actively playing their sports and reduce their risk for injuries.